Money rules the world that is a fact and that is a major problem. Politicians and big companies are blinded with money and power they have. They won’t accommodate to new environmental issues fast enough, they won’t take the real actions fast enough. They are just making more profit with some “green orientations” which are usually green only on paper or in marketing campaigns. It is time to make radical changes in way we live, work, travel, eat… if we want to preserve our earth and nature for our children. No politician dares to risk and announce radical changes to stop global warming because he will loose all support, and they usually see only few years period in front of them. That is why I believe we should not wait for politicians, big companies, policies, law and standards limiting CO2 emissions or even trading with emissions. We can make our choice today. We can decide when to walk, when to travel by car, when to travel by public transportation and which car to buy. I can buy four-wheel drive SUV or I can buy smaller car with less than 130 g/km of CO2 emissions … so it is my choice, not oil company’s or car manufacturers choice. It is also my choice to live in big house with 6 bedrooms or in house with 3 bedrooms which will need less heating energy during cold winter days. Of course there are some other things and big pollution factors where we have no direct influence, but we could make indirect influence. I hope you agree It's our choice, we could make a change.