Forest is a great system that soaks up CO2 and produces Oxygen. We are producing many CO2 with our cars, lightings, cooking, heating and also breathing. It is calculated that an average tree (calculation based on total life cycle of one tree for the 40 years period) could absorb on average around 20kg/year of CO2. An average human is producing much more CO2/year with his activities than on tree could absorb … 400 to 500 times more per year (cars, heating, cooking, food,…). It is a heavy job to plant 400 trees for just one person, but we could start at the beginning and plant 3 trees and offset some carbon emissions right now. Remember, trees are also good for fresh air, shadows and they are working for us 24hours/day.
- ACTION CALL 001: Join me and plant 3 trees. Let’s say one tree is for you, on for your parents and one for your children.
- If you have planted 3 trees or more, please add a comment to this post and tell others about your action.
- If you can’t perform this action you could easily support this action in other ways.
- Would you like to know more about my goal?
Thank you for supporting my anti global warming, anti climate change and anti nature destruction actions.