This is the first Green Confident Blog and the first post in the series of blogs coming soon under the name Green Confident Blogs. I decided to open this blog because of one mission standing in front of me and this is: saving our planet using web. I'm observing our earth each day strugling for survival because of more and more polution, waste, nature destruction... and other bad things happening to our planet. What can we do ... I THINK THERE ARE LOT OF THINGS THAT COULD BE DONE HELPING OUR PLANET TO SURVIVE ANOTHER 1000 YEARS AND MORE.
Ecology, energy and sustainable living is my focus area for a long time, while my professional experience is in informatics, webtechnology and technology research. I believe I can follow my mission with joining my energy, knowledge and experience and also yours supporting Green Confident Blogs. SAVING PLANET EARTH SHOULD BE OUR MISSION.
... comming soon with new posts and concrete actions ...
Ecology, energy and sustainable living is my focus area for a long time, while my professional experience is in informatics, webtechnology and technology research. I believe I can follow my mission with joining my energy, knowledge and experience and also yours supporting Green Confident Blogs. SAVING PLANET EARTH SHOULD BE OUR MISSION.
... comming soon with new posts and concrete actions ...