Thursday, January 10, 2008

How to support anti-global warming, anti-climate change and anti-nature destruction actions?

I will launch many green actions through this blog. I will definitely need your best support to succeed and to spread actions all over the world. Please support my actions with your actions. Check out how to do this:
  1. Join to my ANTI-GLOBAL WARMING, ANTI-CLIMATE CHANGE and ANTI-NATURE DESTRUCTION actions. I will publish ACTION CALLs with ACTION CODEs regularly on this blog and you can join very easily – just write me an e-mail with ACTION CODE and describe shortly what your action plan is, what is your participation and how you will support the announced action. You can also post a comment to my ACTION CALL if you have a Blogger Account and tell me about your support and your action. More participants mean more intensive and influencing action … so join me and stop climate change and global warming.
  2. Subscribe to my blog posts via e-mail or RSS and you will get newest blog posts regularly.
  3. Donate (Paypal) and help me make more actions against global warming and climate change and to make more promotion.

  4. Bookmark this blog with one of on-line bookmark service

  5. Download or order free stuff from my blogs and web pages

  6. Tell to a friend about this blog and green actions.

  7. Check&Read my other blogs and web pages

  8. Buy products offered on my other web sites

  9. Become a sponsor of my greenconfident actions against global warming and climate change. You will need a banner and a link. Please send me an e-mail to do so.

  10. Send me short post about your real actions for stopping climate change and global warming, if you like please send also picture or YouTube video and I will publish the post. If you have a blog send me a link and I will put in on my site for free.

  11. Just click on blog pool – answer the question on this blog or any other Green Confident Blog.

Please support my actions, stay in action. More support I will get, more actions will be accomplished and more people involved. Thank you very much for supporting my work with your green confident actions.